Author’s Perspective

This interview with the author Stephen Ivancic provides insights and perspectives for how historical fiction re-imagined in this novel describes real life issues around workers, unions, and opportunistic capitalists of the past and now.

Stephen provokes us to understand the dynamics of individualism, community, and power found in the story line of this novel.

His hope is the reader will make connections and find inspiration for igniting our personal motivations for finding ways we can work together and balance individualism with community, so the solidarity of the organizations, governments and ideologies we believe in and live in, shape our realities into humane and positive players in the world we live in.

2 thoughts on “Author’s Perspective

  1. Essi Partanen

    Dear writer. Your perspective is one certainly meant make the world a better place. Thank you for that. So was the one of the immigrant Finns, then still part of one of the last indigenous people in Europe. No wonder they often chose to associate with the Native Americans. This world view still prevails, but also their kind of effort has in part made Finland to the very modern State of communal effort which it is today. Thanks for describing some of its roots, and the stubbornness still characteristic to the Finns. The chapter about the Finns belonging to the yellow race was quite some fun, but with a hint of truth. According to modern genetics, the Finns are not related much to anyone.


    1. smivancic Post author

      Thanks for finding this site, Essi. I think the Finnish story is not appreciated. Often they are thought of as Scandinavians in America.
      I grew up with Finnish friends, but they rarely talked about their history.
      The idea that Finns are from the yellow race was an eye opener for me.
      Related to the misunderstanding of the Finns, there is still a lack of understanding of Laplanders too.



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