White and Red Finns

On November 15, 1917, the Red Finns declared a general right of self-determination, including the right of complete secession from Finland, “…for the Peoples of Russia”. Reds Finns comprised the Finnish-speaking urban workers and the landless rural cottagers.

On the same day the Finnish Parliament issued a declaration by which the White Finns temporarily took power in Finland. White Finns consisted of the Swedish-speaking middle and upper classes, farmers and peasantry who dominated the northern two-thirds of the land.

Worried by the development in Russia, the White Finn Senate proposed that Parliament declare Finland’s independence. This was agreed on in the Parliament on December 6, 1917. On December 18 the Soviet government issued a decree recognizing Finland’s independence.  It was approved by the highest Soviet executive body on December 22 . Germany and the Scandinavian countries immediately followed to recognize Finland.

Within in one month, Finland found itself in a civil war. From January 1918 to May, the White Guards fought the Red Guards who had declared a Finnish Socialist Workers’ Republic.

white shoot redA defeat of the Red Guards was achieved by the White Finns with support from Imperial Germany. During this time, Sweden remained neutral and Russia withdrew its forces.

2 thoughts on “White and Red Finns

  1. smivancic Post author

    Was news ever news? Even in oral traditions miscommunication took place. I guess the level of integrity between what is said and what happened should always be the goal, not entertainment or ego.


  2. smivancic Post author

    I guess the level of integrity between what is said and what happened should always be the goal, not entertainment or ego… I trust this would be the best … after all when the entertainment is done and the ego gone,… there should be something substantial left which is us as individuals.



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