Joseph Koivu


Joseph Koivu
Loss of Innocence

In Chapter One, Joseph Koivu humorously loses his innocence about how families sauna.

When Joe enters his friend Arvi’s sauna, he finds Arvi’s whole family naked and waiting for him. Joe is surprised. He hadn’t had this experience before. Among the some of Finnish in this novel, taking a sauna  together nude is not unusual. However, for Joe this was his first time.

As the novel continues, Joe has a variety of experiences that “awaken” him to other “naked” realities in the community and society he lives in.

Here are some ways to explore this content:

1. In Chapter 5, we identify from Joe’s imagination one way in which his father sees the economic reality the Finnish live in.

  • Describe Gustav’s world view as Joe views his father?
  • What do these views infer about Gustav?
  • Does Joe accept these ideas?

2. In Chapters 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, 31 & 34,  the experiences Joe has contribute to a “lost innocence” about life.

  • What particular events and experiences in these chapters begin to steer Joe to reevaluate his view of the world?
  • Have you had any experiences like Joe’s?
  • If yes, how did they change how you viewed reality?

3.a. Chapter 12 describes an incident on the school grounds where a Native American has a “fight” with Sheriff McFarland’s son at the beginning of the school day. The last sentence in the chapter reads “I saw something, and I lost something that day.” What do you feel this loss of innocence for Joe was?

3.b. Chapter 18 contains a similar scene where Joe is the “victim”. What do you feel this loss of innocence for Joe was? How is this loss different than Chapter 12?

4. In Chapter 34, Joe is prepared to make a decision which may change his life forever.

  • What is his decision?
  • Why would Joe entertain an idea like this?
  • What experiences may have led him to make this choice?

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